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    Nurseries of Mataró is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location and itineraries of the nearest nurseries respect to the selected point of the map of the city of Mataró. It also shows the distance of the route and if the school is public or private.

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    Mataró citizen mailbox is a set of geographical information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location and data of the actions carried out on the city's public roads by the municipality brigade. The actions described are related to the following aspects: sewerage, fountains, green areas, beaches, trees, roads, sidewalks, lighting, street furniture, mobility, public transport, licenses or discomfort due to noise and odors.

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    Police activity in Mataró is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This set of data locates the actions carried out by the Local Police. The recorded and located police actions are, between others: Traffic accidents, Traffic controls, Location of crimes against road safety, Violations of public safety regulations, Detentions, Identifications.

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    Culture, giants and archaeology of Mataró are sets of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. These data sets show the location of different places with cultural importance of the city at a cultural level, or related to cultural activities of the municipality. We see located museums, libraries, street signs, the Roman site, the hypogea, cinemas, or the places where the giants of the city belong (Giants of the schools, Giants of association of neighbors and streets, The Robafaves Family and Giants of other entities). Each location is represented with a point, which is displayed interactively offering us the possibility of consulting complementary information, in some cases presented in PDF format. We can also consult a plan of the city of the nineteenth century, a plan of the city of 1852, a plan of the city of 1911 and a plan of the city of 1940.

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    Electric vehicles of Mataró is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set locates the charging points of electric vehicles in the city. The points are classified into five groups: Old slow charge inside parking, Slow charge inside parking, Semi-fast charge inside parking, Semi-fast charge in the street and Fast charge in the street.

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    The architectural heritage of Mataró is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location of the buildings or spaces that are collected in the Catalog of architectural heritage of the City of Mataró. For each point the link to a PDF file is displayed interactively, where we can consult all the files of the protected buildings. In the viewer we can also visualize the perimeters of different historical spaces of Mataró.

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    Boundary markers of Mataró is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location of the land markers of the municipality of Mataró that between 1910 and 1930 the Geographic and Statistical Institute installed throughout the Spanish state to establish an official division of the municipalities. Each milestone is represented with a point, which is displayed interactively, offering us a PDF file with complementary information about the selected marker, or to access to a 360º view of the place where the landmark is located. In addition, we can consult the corporate term limit of the City Council of Mataró, the term limit according to the Generalitat of Catalonia or the term limit according to the map of 1920.

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    The topographic map of Mataró is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer. The topographic cartography, captured at 1:1000 scale, is a planimetric and altimetric representation of the natural and artificial elements present in the territory. Among these elements we find trees, cutlery, contours, altimeters, stairs, coastline, medians, palm trees, sidewalks, etc. In addition, the viewer has a search engine that identifies streets, addresses, place names and equipment.

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    The Parcel map of Mataró is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This plan defines the limit of the real estate properties of the city, using graphical and alphanumeric data. For example, it represents, the delimitation of islands, plots and subplots with their identifiers are represented; or numbering and street names. Beyond the data of the corporate parcel map of the City Council of Mataró, we can consult those of the Cadastral parcel of the General Directorate of Cadastre, those of the Cadastre parcel of 1975, or those of the Cadastral parcel of 1936.

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    The Pla General d'Ordenació (PGO) 1/1000 scale of Mataró is a set of cartographic information regarding the current urban planning of the municipality. The PGO, approved in December 1996, is the instrument that directs and defines the development of the territory of the municipality of Mataró. The PGO cartography has a geoportal of downloads, where urban planning data is offered on two scales: 1/2000 for the entire area of ​​the municipality and 1/1000 for areas that concentrate a greater volume of cartographic data. Mataró PGO cartography captured at 1/1000 scale is divided into thirty-seven downloadable sheets in PDF format.